Run in PowerShell as an admin:
Import-Module Servermanager
and then adjust the following line to your path and file:
Import-Clixml D:\XMPie-install\utilities\ServerFeatures.xml | Add-WindowsFeature
For migration
Stop all services:
stop-service msmq, xmp* -force;iisreset /stop;kill -name indesign*
Robocopy mirror all files:
Robocopy "Source" "Destination" /MIR /XJD /R:5 /W:15 /MT:32 /V /NP /LOG:Backup.log;exit
Export and Import IIS applications (edit the XML file to remove unwanted apps and adjust the drive letter)
%windir%\system32\inetsrv\appcmd list app /config /xml > C:\temp\apps.xml
%windir%\system32\inetsrv\appcmd add app /in < C:\Temp\apps.xml